Vitamin injections are a quick and effective way of introducing vital nutrients directly into your bloodstream. When injected, the vitamins can bypass your body’s digestive system, allowing for maximum absorption. These can help with energy levels, brain function, and weight loss and can boost your mood.
Our B vitamin injections for energy can improve physical stamina and mental agility. They can also combat cortisol overproduction, which leads to weight gain and skin problems and improve the symptoms of anaemia. As B vitamins assist with the transformation of carbohydrates into glucose, they can be taken intramuscularly or intravenously as a weight loss supplement.
Vitamin C injections help preserve the body’s natural energy resources. As vitamin C encourages electron production in the body, they can prevent physical burnout.
Combining both of these ingredients with folic acid, another B vitamin, can help protect DNA and provide a powerful energy boost. This injection is especially popular amongst athletes and gym bunnies, who are most susceptible to physical burnout.
If you’re feeling tired and rundown, then you may be lacking in Vitamin D. This essential nutrient is required for many of the main processes of the body and assists the body in its ability to absorb other minerals. Vitamin D is an important component in maintaining your general health and well-being. Certain groups are more at risk of a Vitamin D deficiency, but it seems that our current lifestyles have left us all more susceptible and in need of an added boost. Our Vitamin D Injection is the perfect solution for when you’re lacking your ‘sunshine vitamin’. Start feeling healthier and happier within minutes with our 5-second shot!
We have all heard that vitamin D is good for our bones. However, few of us really understand how seriously a lack of vitamin D can impact our day-to-day well-being. One UK survey found that more than half of us are vitamin D deficient!
Well, Vitamin D’s job is to regulate the level of calcium and phosphate in the body. It does this by controlling how much is absorbed in the gut and taken up by the different parts of the body, including muscle, teeth and bone. As a result, Vitamin D deficiency causes muscle weakness, tiredness and bone pain. In extreme cases, a lack of vitamin D can impair bone growth causing diseases of brittle or painful bones, such as Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.
Vitamin B7 promotes appropriate function of the nervous system and is essential for liver metabolism as well. Biotin is commonly advised as a dietary supplement for strengthening hair and nails, as well as in skin care. It is suggested that biotin aids cell growth and the maintenance of mucous membranes. It is known to rebuild tissues, improve skin quality, thicken hair, promotes foetal development, protects your brain and stabilises Blood Sugar.
It is recommended to have a Vitamin B12 injection 2 weeks apart and then at 2-3 month intervals. Vitamin C is best every 4-6 weeks. Vitamin D is best every 8 weeks.
We also provide a relief from Hayfever which is a low dosage mild steroid injection. The active ingrediet Corticosteroids are hormones that are produced naturally by the adrenal glands. They have many important functions in the body, including control of inflammatory responses. Triamcinolone reduces inflammation by stopping cells from releasing chemicals that normally help produce immune and allergic responses. This can help control a wide number of disease states involving excessive inflammation, including severe allergic reactions, inflammation of the lungs in asthma and inflammation of the joints in arthritis. The injection suppresses part of your immune system and reduces inflammation in conditions such as hayfever and allergic reactions.
VITAMIN B12 | 15 MINS | £40.00 |
VITAMIN D | 15 MINS | £55.00 |
VITAMIN C | 15 MINS | £40.00 |
MULTIVITAMIN B12, C & D | 15 MINS | £120.00 |
MULTIVITAMIN B12, B7, C & D | 15 MINS | £150.00 |
VITAMINS B12 & D | 15 MINS | £85.00 |
VITAMINS B12 & C | 15 MINS | £70.00 |
VITAMINS C & D | 15 MINS | £85.00 |
VITAMIN B7 (BIOTIN) | 15 MINS | £40.00 |
VITAMIN B12 & B7 (BIOTIN) | 15 MINS | £70.00 |
VITAMIN B7 & D | 15MINS | £85.00 |
VITAMIN B7 & C | 15 MINS | £70.00 |
NB Beautiful Aesthetics & Beauty 2023